Identification Number

If you registered as an individual taxpayer, basic taxpayer, or tax professional, enter your social security number.

Your social security number is 9 numbers.

If you registered as a business representative, enter the original company Entity ID number that you registered with based on the Entity ID Type to ensure the correct information is being displayed:

  • Corporation – Enter the 7-digit ID number
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – Enter either the 9-digit or 12-digit Secretary of State (SOS) ID number
  • Partnership – Enter the number you used during registration.
    • If you registered using your Secretary of State (SOS) ID number, enter the 12-digit number.
    • If you registered using your FTB Issued ID, enter the 9-digit number.
    • If you registered using your FEIN, enter the 9-digit number.

If you registered for a Minimum Essential Coverage Information Reporting account, enter your 9-digit federal ID number (FEIN).

If you registered for a Third-Party Payer account, enter your 11-digit Payer Number.